AUTHOR: Daniel CITIRIGĂ THE FRENCH DIPLOMACY AND THE ISSUE OF THE UNION OF BESSARABIA WITH ROMANIA Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 159-168. Abstract The Union of Bessarabia with Romania involves both a historical discussion and a political one. Practically, the two World Wars proved that Bessarabia was the key of the bilateral relations between Romania…

AUTHOR: Nicolae IONIŢĂ THE IMAGE OF THE ROMANIAN SOCIETY IN GERMAN DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS, BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENCE AND THE 1907 UPRISING II. The Problem of the National Minorities, of the Foreigners Residing in Romania and Perceptions of the 1907 Uprising Danubius, XXXI, Galati, 2013, pp. 151-194. Abstract The present study represents the second part of a…

AUTHOR: Anca-Diana POPESCU THE CONTEXTS, CHRONOLOGY AND ANALOGIES OF SOME DECORATED BONE ARTEFACTS FROM MOLDAVIA Danubius, XXXI- Supliment, Galati, 2013, pp. 179-202. Abstract A bone cylinder, in a fragmentary state, ornamented with incised circles, was discovered at Mândrişca (now Valea Seacă, Bacău county), during the systematic excavations carried out on this site many years ago….

AUTHOR: Pompiliu-Nicolae CONSTANTIN, Valentin MAIER THE SYSTEM OF HIGHER STUDIES IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORTS, IN ROMANIA (1948-1989) Danubius, XXXII, Galati, 2014, pp. 345-368 Abstract The Communist regime tried to impose a total control over the Romanian society in the period between 1948 and 1989. Both higher education studies and sport activities were considered main…

AUTHOR: Alexandru GHIŞA “THE ISSUE OF THE DANUBE” AND THE EUROPEANITY OF ROMANIA Danubius, XXXII, Galati, 2014, pp. 223-248. Abstract The Danube, an European river, par excellence, was and continues to be the most important navigation way on the continent. Along the years, the great empires – Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Habsburg and Tsarist, and, later…

AUTHOR: George Enache Danubius, XXXII- Supliment, Galati, 2014, pp. 31-62. Abstract Romanian state attempted to use religious organizations to achieve certain political goals in the modern era. This has prevented the development of religious pluralism. It took a whole historical process to resolve disputes that exist between the state, the religions and society. The emergence…

AUTHOR: Arthur Viorel TULUŞ THE SYNAGOGUES OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF GALAŢI Danubius, XXXIV Galaţi, 2016, pp. 267-286. Abstract According to the documentary sources, the Jewish presence in the port of Galaţi dates back to the end of the XVI-th century, when the documents record the existence of several Jewish prayer houses and of a…

AUTHOR: George ENACHE SANDU TUDOR (FATHER DANIEL), EXTREMIST IDEOLOGIES AND THE POLITICAL POLICE Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp.173-260. Abstract The poet and journalist, later to become father Daniil, is one of the founders of the well-known spiritual movement “Rugul Aprins”.  A number of studies have been written lately about his life and work, some of…