AUTHOR: Marius MITROF Danubius, XXIX, Galaţi, 2011, pp. 325-348. Abstract Descending from an old family of archons from Chios Isle, Greece, Chrissoveloni family, through its representative, Zannis, arrived in Galaţi and settled here in 1848, laying down the bases of a cereal meter in the harbour. It was the starting point for the expansion of…

AUTHOR: Marius MITROF A HISTORICAL MONUMENT IN TECUCI: THE “HOUSE” ON 2 GALAŢI STREET Danubius, XXXI, Galati, 2013, pp. 79-94. Abstract At the crossroads of 1 Decembrie 1918, Victoriei and Galaţi Streets, in Tecuci City, there stands a noticeable house built at the end of the 19th century, probably between 1887 and 1888, by the…

AUTHOR: Marius MITROF SOME SHORT HISTORICAL DATA REGARDING THE EDIFICE FROM NO. 102, DOMNEASCĂ STREET, GALAŢI Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 219-234. Abstract The building from no. 102, Domnească Street, Galaţi, imposing through its presence, but also having a certain discretion, conveyed by the sculpture of the facades, hides a still little investigated history. Nevertheless,…

AUTHOR: Marius MITROF THE OLD PROJECT FOR COVERING THE ROMAN CHARNEL Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 197-212. Abstract In 1974, during the construction of Micro 21 locality, between the D14 and D16 blocks of flats, on Parcului Boulevard (the present Oţelarilor Street), a Roman tomb belonging to a Roman military commander of Sarmat origin was…