AUTHOR: N. HARŢUCHE, F. ANASTASIU, I. BROSCĂŢEAN THE INCINERATION NECROPOLIS OF CHISCANI VILLAGE – BRĂILA DURING THE HIGH FEUDAL ERA Danubius, I, Galaţi, 1967, pp. 137-178. Abstract In 1958, a hazardous discovery on the territory of Chiscani village – Brăila revealed a plain incineration necropolis dating back to the feudal era. The archaeological researches were…

AUTHOR: F. ANASTASIU, N. HARŢUCHE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES AND DISCOVERIES IN BRĂILA COUNTY Danubius, I, Galaţi, 1967, pp. 19-40. Abstract In this article, the authors present the results of several archaeological researches carried out in the region which spreads between the Danube and rivers Siret, Buzău and Călmăţui, by means of surface scouring and limited surveys….