AUTHOR: Dănuţ PRISECARU, Costel ILIE THE REINTERPRETATION OF SOME ARTEFACTS DISCOVERED IN CAVADINEŞTI ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXII, Galati, 2014, pp. 47-70. Abstract The current study aims to publish some artefacts connected to the textile production during the Late Bronze Age – Noua Culture. These objects were discovered at Cavadineşti-„Râpa Glodului”, in Galaţi County….

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Tudor MANDACHE THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE NEGRILEȘTI, GALAȚI COUNTY. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES IN THE SECTORS SCHOOL YARD AND PINE – 2017 Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 55-88. Abstract The archaeological site Negrileşti-School Yard is an important landmark for the archeology of Southeastern Moldova, as it was possible to highlight a high intensity…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Tudor MANDACHE THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE NEGRILEȘTI, GALAȚI COUNTY. PREVENTIVE RESEARCH, 2018 Danubius, XXXVI, Galaţi, 2018, pp. 7-42. Abstract The Negrilesti – „Schoolyard” site, situated at 15kms north of Tecuci, in the south-eastern region of Moldova, was investigated in 2018, in two important areas, C3 („Pine”) and B4-B5 („Kindergarten”). The archaeological…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE RECENT DISCOVERIES IN NEGRILEŞTI-SCHOOLYARD ARCHAELOGICAL SITE, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXVIII, Galaţi, 2020, pp. 7-38. Abstract In 2020, in the topographic sector B4-B5 (“Kindergarten”), two digging units, SG17 and SG18, were investigated. 38 housing complexes (household pits, supply pits, dwellings, fire installations) and 11 graves were unearthed. 22 storage pits with archaeological material…