AUTHOR: Arthur-Viorel TULUŞ THE LINKAGE OF BESSARABIA TO ROMANIA’S FOREIGN TRADE THROUGH THE DANUBE MOUTHS. THE PROBLEM OF THE TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 169-180. Abstract During the interwar period, although the Romanian state developed a strategy to ameliorate the disastrous Bessarabian land transport infrastructure, road or railway, inherited from Tsarist Russia, most…

AUTHOR: Arthur Viorel TULUŞ THE SYNAGOGUES OF THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF GALAŢI Danubius, XXXIV Galaţi, 2016, pp. 267-286. Abstract According to the documentary sources, the Jewish presence in the port of Galaţi dates back to the end of the XVI-th century, when the documents record the existence of several Jewish prayer houses and of a…

AUTHOR: Arthur Viorel TULUŞ Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 117-132. Abstract The Black Sea came back into the attention of European diplomacy in the first half of the XIXth century, on the background of tsarist Russia’s expansion politics towards the Straits, with domination of the Mouths of the Danube being a mandatory step in that…