Danubius XXXII Supplement

Religious Pluralism in Global Perspective

Editor: George Enache

Content Danubius XXXII Supplement

Published articles


Religion and the State

Oguzhan Tan
State and Religious Diversity in Turkey – An Historical Overview from the Ottomans to the Republic Period

Fatima Saba Akhunzada
The Role of the State in Religious Pluralism: A Case Study of Pakistan

George Enache
Religion, the State and the Public Sphere in Contemporary Romania

Darko Djogo
Would a Wall of Separation Help? Constitutional Position and the Social Role of  Religious Communities in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Place for Political Theology

The Politics of Pluralism

Rehab Sakr
Why did the Muslim Brotherhood Fail? The Double-Faced Discourse of Ikhwan and Political Response to Islamist-Secular Diversity in Egypt

Zaker Hussain Ershad
The Relationship between Politics and Islam in Contemporary Afghanistan

Ibrahim Olatunde Uthman
Muslim Perception of the Modern Secular State and the Foundations of the Islamic Commonwealth of Religions

Yoshimi Fujimura
Dialogues between Christians and Buddhists:  From Japan to the World

Education and Public Policy

Sol Prieto
The Relation between Church and State in Argentina: A Study on the Educational System

Marie Goretti Nizigiyimana
The Role of the Church in Education in Burundi

Ikali Karvinen
How to Assess Spiritual History? – Northern Perspective on Spiritual History Taking by Opening-model

Chue Ming
International Buddhist Sangha and Global Connection: A Case Study of the Master Hsing Yun

Conflict and Reconciliation

Rachana Kaushal
Religious Freedom and Human Rights in India: Conflicts and Reconciliation

Antoine J. Saad
Neuro-Scientific Spirituality and the Politico-Religious Dynamics of Conflicts: From Person to Population

Ramis Sattarov
Spiritualism within Religious Pluralism: Social Issues of Urban Shamanism in Tashkent

Michael Kpughe Lang
Mainstream Christian Churches as Obstacles in the Path of Religious Pluralism in Cameroon since Reunification