Procedure 1

The complete track of a study / an article from editing to printing

1. The study / article is edited as per the indications listed in: Publication norms.
2. The article is sent in electronic format to the Secretary of the Editorial Board ( The Secretary of the Editorial Board confirms by e-mail to the author, within 7 days at most, the reception of the material.
3. The Secretary of the Editorial Board submits the study / article to the reviewing system.
4. The Secretary of the Editorial Board sends, in electronic format, after the author of the study / article has made the changes and the improvements suggested by the reviewers, the final study / article to Proof Reader 1 for initiating the correction procedure prior to the printing of each issue of the Journal.
5. The Desktop Publisher, after making the final correction and having received the permission to print from the Editor-in-chief, turns the electronic text of the journalissue from WORD into PDF and makes the cover in electronic format.
6. The Desktop Publisher sends the PDF text and the cover in electronic format to the Editor-in-chief.
7. The Editor-in-chief sends the PDF text and the cover in electronic format to the General Secretary of Galaţi History Museum Publishing House, at the same time with the permission to print.
8. The General Secretary of Galaţi History Museum Publishing House sends the PDF text and the cover in electronic format to the Typography.
9. The Typography prints the journal issue in question, transferring the circulation to Galaţi History Museum.
10. The Expedition Department of Galaţi History Museum Publishing House sends by parcel post to the authors of the materials published in the issue in question, three copies of the journal and one copy to each subscriber of the journal, to the foreign journals “Danubius” exchanges publications with, as well as to all the members of the Editorial Board.
11. The Desktop Publisher sends by e-mail to each author whose material(s) was/were published in that issue the final PDF format of the material, as it was printed.
12. The Desktop Publisher sends by e-mail to the International Data Bases the Editorial Office is in collaboration with the final PDF format of the issue, as per the requirements of each collaboration contract.
13. The Desktop Publisher adds to the electronic archive of “Danubius” Journal all the electronic documents regarding the already printed issue.

Procedure 2

Article Editing in “Danubius” Journal

1. The Desktop Publisher has the general make-up of the journal , that is, a WORD document with the first pages, the marks of the columns and the styles used.
2. The Desktop Publisher elaborates a work copy of the general make-up which he / she particularizes for each issue, starting with the first pages.
3. The Desktop Publisher receives from Proof Reader 1 each material accompanied by the summary, abstract and key words, as well as the specification of the column it will be included into.
4. The Desktop Publisher introduces each material in the general make-up of the issue, in the respective column.
5. The Desktop Publisher prints the material and sends it to Proof reader 2.
6. After having made the correction, Proof Reader 2, together with the Desktop Publisher, bring the required changes to the electronic version.
7. Operations are repeated 3-6 times for each material.
8. The Desktop Publisher finalizes the respective journal issue in electronic format, drawing up the table of contents, page indications and numbering printing sheets.
9. The Desktop Publisher prints the entire issue of the journal and sends it to the Editor-in-chief.
10. After the Editor-in-chef makes the corrections he / she deems fit, the Desktop Publisher receives the print and inserts the corrections in the electronic format.
11. The Desktop Publisher makes the cover.
12. Receiving the permission to print from the Editor-in-chief, the Desktop Publisher turns from WORD into PDF the electronic text of the issue.
13. The Desktop Publisher sends the PDF text and the cover of the respective issue to the Editor-in-chief.

Procedure 3

The procedure for the peer-review system of the materials received for publication

1. Upon the receipt of the study / article from the author, the Secretary of the Editorial Board establishes a unique identification number, recording it in the list of identification numbers of the respective journal issue.
2. Each study / article is sent for internal review to a member of the Editorial Board specialized in the field – or in a related field – approached by the study / article.
3. The Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer pays attention to the observance of the conditions for publication instructed by the Journal and to the scientific requirements for the publication of the text, makes any necessary corrections regarding language, end matter and layout, as per the regulations of “Danubius” Journal, prints the text in the standard form and makes written recommendations for its improvement (informational, bibliographical), fills in and sign the Editorial Board Peer-Review Form. The Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer can reject the material from the beginning if it contains too many language and editing mistakes.
In the case of materials in foreign language, these shall be sent to an Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer, as well as to a Translator. The first shall make written appreciations concerning the scientific value of the material and the opportunity for its publication, while the Translator shall assess the level of the language in which the text was written. If the Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer considers that the text deserves to be published and that language mistakes are minimum, the Translator shall make, directly on the electronic version of the text, the corrections he / she deems necessary. If the language level is unsatisfying, the Translator shall decide whether a new, whole translation of the text is needed. In this case, the text is rejected, the author being notified of this fact by the Secretary of the Editorial Board, who will also bring to his / her notice the Translator’s recommendations, the author having the possibility to resubmit the material, retranslated, for a subsequent number.
4. The Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer (the Translator, respectively) sends to the Secretary of the Editorial Board the print on which he / she made the recommendations together with the Editorial Board Peer-Review Form.
5. Following the publication proposal made by the Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer and by the Translator, the Secretary of the Editorial Office sends, after having decided, together with the Editor-in-chief and with the Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer, upon the Expert Peer-Reviewers, the electronic text in the form established by the Editorial Board Peer-Reviewer (the Translator, respectively) to the 2 Expert Peer-Reviewers.
6. Each of the Expert Peer-Reviewers shall follow the procedure described in item 3 above and shall fill in the Expert Peer-Review Form.
7. After receiving the documents from the Expert Peer-Reviewers, the Secretary of the Editorial Board, together with the Editor-in-chief, apply the recommendations made by the three reviewers in the electronic text, under the form of “remark”.
8. The Secretary of the Editorial Board sends the electronic document to the author or authors of the text.
9. Within 4 weeks, the author of the text makes the requested changes and sends the text again, in final version, to the Secretary of the Editorial Board.
10. The Secretary of the Editorial Board sends the final version of the electronic text to the internal correction prior to the printing of the issue.
11. The Secretary of the Editorial Board sees to sorting and recording, for each study / article on journal issue, the documents concerning Editorial Board Peer-Review and Expert Peer-Review so that they can be provided to the boards accredited for the surveillance of the editorial office processes.

Procedure 4

The procedure for the (internal) correction prior to the printing of each journal issue

1. The internal correction prior to journal printing concerns the proper technical printing (end matter, text editing, language, page layout, etc.) of the Journal. The Secretary of the Editorial Board sends, in electronic format, the final text of each study / article to Correctors 1, chosen according to the language of the texts.
2. Correctors 1 make the corrections on the digital format for each received study / article. The English Translator checks abstracts, key words and summaries, which he / she shall confront, if applicable, with their Romanian version, and makes any necessary changes.
3. The Translator, after having checked key words, abstracts and summaries (in English), sends the text to Corrector 1.
4. Correctors 1 send the text of the study / article accompanied by key words, abstract, summary and author presentation to the Desktop Publisher.
5. The Desktop Publisher lays the study / article in “journal format”.
6. The Desktop Publisher prints the study / article and sends it to Corrector 2.
7. Corrector 2 makes corrections on the print, performs any necessary changes on the electronic version, together with the Desktop Publisher.
8. The Desktop Publisher finalizes in electronic format the journal issue in question.
9. The Desktop Publisher prints the entire issue of the journal and sends the print to the Editor-in-chief.
10. The Editor-in-chief, after making the corrections he / she deems fit, sends the print to the Desktop Publisher.
11. The Desktop Publisher inserts the corrections in the electronic format.