The Editorial Office requests that the materials submitted for evaluation and publication to “Danubius” Journal closely follow and observe the indications below. This page must be consulted each time, at certain intervals amendments being allowed, as dictated by the modernization and continual updating of the end matter. The indications below are also improved according to the rate at which certain inconsistencies appear in the materials submitted to the Editorial Office. Texts which do not abide by the rules below shall not be taken into consideration!
The materials for publication shall be sent in the below-designated electronic format directly to the Secretary of the Editorial Board and shall follow procedure 1.
Materials sent to the Editorial Office for publication must be accompanied each time by the Curriculum Vitae of the author, updated and as exhaustive as possible, also containing the contact data which can be made public, should the material in question be published. Also, studies must contain key words, abstract and summary, all of these strictly observing the recommendation of the Journal listed below. Materials sent for publication shall not be returned. Moreover, the Editorial Office reserves the right to bring changes to their form and content.
Since 2008, “Danubius” Journal has used the peer review system for the materials received for publication, observing the applicable international and national norms. The procedure applied by the Journal, by combining the Editorial Board Peer-Review with the Expert Peer-Review, concerns the blind version of this system by which the author of the text is not known by the external reviewers, nor the reviewers are known by the author in order to obtain an impartial evaluation of the reviewed materials. Therefore, authors are asked to refer only generally to their own papers, refraining from any piece of information that might lead to the identification of the author of the reviewed text.
Important: “Danubius” Journal does not accept already published texts or texts to be published in other Journals. They can be published in other publications only in another language than the one used for “Danubius” Journal. The authors can publish the materials printed in “Danubius” Journal in their own volumes. They are responsible for the authenticity of the materials printed in “Danubius” Journal.
Guidelines for the presentation of manuscripts
We advise authors to present manuscripts according to the guidelines below in order to reduce editing time.
The font used shall be Times New Roman, size 12 for the text, and 10 for the footnotes. The following must be taken into account: the number of the footnote shall be placed before the full stop; the inverted commas before the full stop; no space between a word and the punctuation mark after the word or after the number. WARNING: Careless typing can lead to the rejection of the material!
The material shall be divided in: parts and paragraphs.
Headings shall be centered.
Subchapter titles shall be placed at the beginning of the line.
There is no full stop after titles; the same rule applies to chapter and subchapter titles; titles followed by subtitles are the only exception.
If the paper contains annexes, these shall be placed at the end of the paper, numbered.
Each study must be accompanied by an abstract (40-50 words) which specifies the intention of the analysis and the modes of work, by 5-7 key words and by a summary (one page and a half, size A4, in the above-mentioned standard format, containing the central part of the research and the results), all in English or in the language of the study in question.
Studies sent for publication must not be longer than 30 pp in the said format. Only exceptionally are longer materials accepted for publication. Such texts may be published in several numbers of the Magazine, following thus an older tradition of the Magazine. “Danubius” Magazine publishes materials in Romanian, English, French, German and Russian.
For an accurate writing, we recommend:
Dicţionarul explicativ al limbii române (Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan” ediţia 1996, Editura Univers Enciclopedic)
Dicţionarul ortografic, ortoepic şi morfologic al limbii române (Academia Română,
Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan”, ediţia 2007, Editura Univers Enciclopedic)
The application of the decision of the Presidium of the Romanian Academy concerning the return to the use of “â” and “sunt”
Foreign words inserted in the text shall be put in italics.
Footnotes shall be marked in one way only (with Arabic numerals).
All notes mentioned on one page must be found in the footnote of that page.
All notes should be elaborated according to the standards of Chicago Style of Reference.
The norms of this system can be found here:
A shortened version of this list can be downloaded from here: Chicago shortened.pdf
When referring to an archive document, the order of the data shall be the following: archive (initials), fund, inventory (if applicable), file no., page / pages.
For internet sources, indicate the full address of the web page and the date on which it was accessed.
- Only the newest and most significant papers, of interest to the scope of the magazine, shall be reviewed, irrespective of the language;
- Reviews can be written in Romanian, English, French;
- Only 2 reviews of the same author can appear in one number of the magazine;
- The review, in electronic format, shall be sent to the Secretary of the Editorial Board;
- The title of the review is invariably given by: the name of the author / authors or of the editor / editors, the title of the paper, translator (if applicable), publishing house, place and year of publication, number of pages;
- The end matter and the abbreviations follow the rules above;
- Goals of the review: signaling the appearance of an important paper, presenting the content and the conditions in which the paper in question was published, the critical valuation of the content and of the results of the research presented by the paper, brief presentation (supplemented by footnotes) of the author / authors, editor / editors, respectively, importance of the paper for the area of research.