The journal is one of the oldest publication in the field of Archaeology from Romania, being published starting with 1967. It is edited by „Paul Păltănea” History Museum of Galaţi, but it includes articles belonging to authors from all over the country and even from abroad.
After 2001, the journal has been published on a regular basis, yearly.
Starting with 2012, every year, along with the regular issue, a supplementary issue dealing with a particular subject is also published.
So far, 40 issues have been published, issue no. XLI being currently under preparation.
The following issues have been published so far:
• No.I/1967;
• No.II-III/1969
• No.IV/1970
• No.V/1971
• No.VI-VII/1973
• No.VIII-IX/1979
• No.X/1981
• No.XI-XII/1985
• No.XIII-XIV/1992
• No.XVII/1997
• No.XVIII/2001
• No.XX/2002
• No.XXI/2003
• No.XXII/2004
• No.XXIII/2005
• No.XXIV/2006
• No.XXV/2007
• No.XXVI/2008
• No.XXVII/2009
• No.XXVIII/2010
• No.XXIX/2011
• No.XXX/2012
• No.XXX/2012, Supplementary issue (Aux confins des civilisations. La Bessarabie dans le contexte geopolitique, economique, culturel el religieux, Editors: Dragoş-Cristian Căldăraru, Raluca Sarău, George Enache)
• No.XXXI/2013
• No.XXXI/2013, Supplementary issue (Studii şi Cercetări privind Arheologia Spaţiului Nord-Vest Pontic. In honorem Nicu Mircea Septuagenarii, Editors: Paul Ciobotaru, Ovidiu Cristian Nedu)
• No.XXXII/2014
• No.XXXII/2014, Supplementary issue (Religious Pluralism in Global Perspective, Editor: George Enache)
• No.XXXIII/2015 (In honorem Mihalache Brudiu, octogenarii)
• No.XXXIII/2015, Supplementary issue (Religion and the Challenges of the Contemporary World, Editors: Ovidiu Cristian Nedu, Cosmin Ciocan, George Enache)
• Danubius Acta Symposium I/2015 (Comunitatea bulgară din Galaţi. Istoria familiei Geshov / Българската общност в Галац. Семейна история Gешов / The Bulgarian Community in Galati. The History of Geshov Family, Editor: Cristian-Dragoş Căldăraru)
• No.XXXIV/2016
• No.XXXIV/2016,Supplementary issue (Economy, Society, Culture and Politics in Southern Ukraine During the XVIIIth - XXth Centuries,Editors: Mykola Mykhailutsa, Ovidiu Cristian Nedu, Stoica Cristinel Popa, George Enache)
• No.XXXV/2017 Partea I
• No.XXXV/2017 Partea II
• No.XXXV/2017,Supplementary issue (Modernity, Post-modernity, Communism, Post-communism. Ukrainian Historiographic Contributions, Editors: Lilia Tsyganenko, Mykola Mykhailutsa, Ovidiu Cristian Nedu, George Enache)
• No.XXXVI/2018
• No.XXXVII/2019
• No.XXXVIII/2020
• No.XXXVIII/2020,Supplementary issue (80 Years of Higher Education in Southern Bessarabia. Tradition, Culture and Education, Editors: Yaroslav Kichuk, Liliia Tsyganenko)
• No.XXXIX/2021
• No.XL/2022
The first editorial director of the journal was the great Romanian archaeologist Ion T.Dragomir (1967-1981), followed by the historian Ştefan Stanciu (1985-2006), and, starting from 2007, prof. Cristian Dragoş Căldăraru.
The journal publishes materials pertaining to the following fields: Archaeology, History, Cultural History, Auxiliary Sciences, Ethnography, Cultural Patrimony, Museography.
A special place hold the materials dealing with economical and political problems related to the Danube, since the city of Galati is situated on the banks of the river, near its mouths, and it played an important role in the history of the Danubian navigation.
Recently, the journal has started to be published mainly in English or French, only the articles which are very specifically related to local culture being published in Romanian.
All the old issues have extensive abstracts in French, while, starting with the year 2000, all the issues have abstracts in English.