The authors will declare that their manuscript is original and was not partially or entirely plagiarized, that it has not been published before, it is not in print, and has not been sent to another journal for evaluation and publication at that time. The authors will ensure that they have permission to publish all attached documents (photos, maps, tables, graphs, scanned images of some documents) and must correctly mention all the sources used in the article. All signers of the article must have contributed to its creation as authors. Authors are invited to revise their manuscript in accordance with the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. Any errors made during the editing process must be reported by the author during corrections. The authors should also mention the sources of funding that contributed to the realization of the study.
The Editorial Board must keep confidentiality concerning all information related to the manuscripts. The evaluation of the manuscripts will be done exclusively on scientific based criteria. The editorial board is the one that decides the publication or rejection of the received studies, as a result of an evaluation made by the members of the editing team, but also of the evaluations performed by the reviewers. Suspected cases of plagiarism will be addressed in accordance with COPE rules (
Reviewers will evaluate the manuscripts in accordance with the evaluation form of the journal Danubius; the double-blind peer-review procedure will be followed; the confidentiality of the information contained in the manuscript will be kept; any deviation from the rules of ethics will be reported; the evaluation will be made exclusively on the basis of the scientific content of the manuscript; the reviewers will follow the schedule of the evaluation process.