AUTHOR: Mykola MYHAYLUTSA, Olena TSELYKH Danubius, XXXI, Galati, 2013, pp. 257-264. Abstract The article deals with the pastoral activity of the Orthodox missionaries, who served the Romanian Orthodox Mission in Transnistria, during the Second World War. LUMINI ŞI UMBRE ÎN ACTIVITATEA PASTORALĂ A MISIONARILOR ORTODOCŞI ÎN TRANSNISTRIA (1941-1944) Rezumat Articolul se referă a activitatea pastorală…

AUTHOR: Eugen DRĂGOI THE PSALM SINGER MATACHE SLĂVULESCU, FROM BUZĂU, AND THE LOWER DANUBE DIOCESE Danubius, XXXVII, Galaţi, 2019, pp. 451-458. Abstract The article deals with a psalm singer, and also copist, translator, poet and composer, quite famous during his days but little known today. He was the main psalm singer of the Cathedral of…