AUTHOR: Costin CLIT SOME DOCUMENTS FROM THE ADAM MONASTERY FUND, GALATI COUNTY Danubius, XXXVIII, Galaţi, 2020, pp. 153-224. Abstract The Adam Monastery, dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the foundation of Adam the Captain, prior to 1652, located on Apărătura Hill, in the Ghenghei Forest, was the focus of several historical researchws. The…

AUTHOR: Cristian-Dragoș CĂLDĂRARU THE “ODYSSEY” OF COVURLUI RELATED DOCUMENTS Danubius, XXXIX, Galaţi, 2021, pp. 167-202. Abstract The thousands of documents related to the land of Covurlui, to be found in public or private collections, were, only to a small extent, scientifically used in various Romanian and foreign journals. We intend to present the effort of…

AUTHOR : Marcel CAPRIȘ ELITES OF THE ITALIAN EMIGRATION IN ROMANIA – VERONA FAMILY Danubius, XXXIX, Galaţi, 2021, pp. 117-166. Abstract Benefiting from a consistent fund of archives, kept by the family members – photos, letters, books, oral and written information – the author restores, very briefly, the genealogy of Verona family, little known until…