AUTHOR: Eugen DRĂGOI THE CHURCH “THE DORMITION OF THE THEOTOKOS” FROM ROŞCANI, GALAŢI COUNTY. SOME UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTARY TESTIMONIES Danubius, XXIX, Galaţi, 2011, pp. 149-162. Abstract The village Roşcani, Băneasa commune, Galaţi county, is documentary attested in 1555, but it had existed even before the age of Stephen the Great (1457-1504). The oldest known church of…

AUTHOR: Eugen DRĂGOI CHURCHES AND CLERKS FROM COVURLUI COUNTY, IN UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 139-158. Abstract The article publishes several documents pertaining to churches and clerks from the former Covurlui county. The documents are not thematically classified; chronologically, they date from the XIX-th and the XX-th centuries. Only few of them have…