AUTHOR: Eugen DRĂGOI CHURCHES AND CLERKS FROM COVURLUI COUNTY, IN UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 139-158. Abstract The article publishes several documents pertaining to churches and clerks from the former Covurlui county. The documents are not thematically classified; chronologically, they date from the XIX-th and the XX-th centuries. Only few of them have…

AUTHOR: Eugen DRĂGOI, Florin MARINESCU THE CURSE OF MRS. DRAGOLEA Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 7-20. Abstract A pocket-size Greek Gospel Book, from the XIII-th century, belonging to the patrimony of Caracalu Monastery, from Mount Athos, has recently been remarked by the researcher Florin Marinescu, due to its having inscribed a notice from the XVII-th century….

AUTHOR: Eugen DRĂGOI THE PSALM SINGER MATACHE SLĂVULESCU, FROM BUZĂU, AND THE LOWER DANUBE DIOCESE Danubius, XXXVII, Galaţi, 2019, pp. 451-458. Abstract The article deals with a psalm singer, and also copist, translator, poet and composer, quite famous during his days but little known today. He was the main psalm singer of the Cathedral of…