Danubius, XL, Galati, 2022, pp. 5-22.
The article deals with the main forms of humanitarian education in higher educational institutions of the Central Ukraine. An analysis of these forms is given. The author provides a comparative characteristic of the forms of humanitarian education in different higher educational institutions during the periods of validity of different university charters.
The article proves that the lecture form of teaching was dominant. Attending lectures and taking notes was obligatory. Officially, the seminars and practical classes at the universities of the Russian Empire were introduced only in 1863. Another form of teaching was writing semester works in both compulsory and special subjects. The charter of 1884 allowed students to attend lectures at other faculties, as well as choose a lecturer. Early twentieth century was marked by the existence of course (until 1906) and subject teaching systems in higher education. The content and forms of the educational process of humanitarian universities were such that students spent most of their time preparing for classes and exams, attending lectures and practical classes, reading and writing essays. In the article, the author proves that the lack of connection with practice, the insufficiently high professional level of teachers and their detachment from the needs of students were a big drawback.