AUTHORI: Sorin LANGU, Cristian ONEL, Gheorghe GHERGHE, Laurenţiu URSACHI NOTES ON SOME COINS DISCOVERED IN VASLUI COUNTY Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 263-266. Abstract The authors describe 3 coins from the surroundings of the town of Bârlad, in Vaslui county. All the three coins are from medieval Moldavia, from the first half of XVth century:…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT THE HISTORY OF THE EXTRACARPATHIAN TERRITORY, DURING THE XTH- XIIITH CENTURIES Danubius, XXIV, Galaţi, 2006, pp. 63-68. Abstract The author analyses the hoards dating from the period between the Xth and the XIII-th centuries. These hoards are concentrated in Southern Moldavia and Eastern Valachia, in the Small Valachia (Oltenia) no…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU Danubius, XXIII, Galaţi, 2005, pp. 43-56. ASPECTS OF THE MONETARY CIRCULATION BETWEEN THE YEARS 700-971 ON THE SOUTH AND EAST OF THE CARPATHIAN MOUNTAINS Abstract The large number of Byzantine coins from the Xth – XIIIth centuries was linked to the Byzantine revival, after 971. But this is not the only element…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU CONSIDERATIONS ABOUT HOARDING DURING THE TIME OF STEPHEN THE GREAT Danubius, XXII, Galaţi, 2004, pp. 15-20. Abstract In the first part of the article the author makes an analysis of the hoards from Moldavia, dating between 1300-1600, with a special focus on the hoards from the time of Stephen the Great. The…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU THE PHENOMENON OF HOARDING, IN THE EXTRA-CARPATHIAN TERRITORIES, DURING THE VIIITH-XIVTH CENTURIES Danubius, XXI, Galaţi, 2003, pp. 25-46. Abstract The author attempts an analysis of the hoards from the extraCarpathian territories, dating from the period between the VIIIth – XIVth centuries. There were found 45 hoards (24 in Valachia, 21 in Moldavia),…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU THE PATH OF THE SIRET, AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE MONETARY FINDS ON THE TERRITORY OF GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp. 351-356. Abstract The author presents several monetary finds, isolated and in treasures, that marked out the path along the Siret River, since the 3rd century AD. The first provincial Romanian…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU, Cristian ONEL TWO COINS DISCOVERED IN THE NORTH OF GALAȚI COUNTY Danubius, XXXVII, Galaţi, 2019, pp. 85-88. Abstract The authors describe two coins discovered in the surroundings of Tecuci town, Galaţi county. We presume that they are coins issued by Queen Christina of Sweden, but it is also possible that the two…