AUTHOR: Sergiu MATVEEV SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL LIMITS REGARDING THE IDENTITY OF MOLDAVIANS Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 389-396. Abstract The issue of the origin of the Eastern Romance population has always been subject to demystifications. Along with the incorporation, following a Russo-Turkish peace treaty, of the territories between Prut and Dniester, Tsarist Russia showed a…

AUTHOR: Natalia MATEEVICI, Sergiu MATVEEV Danubius, XXXI- Supliment, Galati, 2013, pp. 301-304. Abstract In the summer of 1989, in the waters of lake Kitaj, on the outskirts of a village called Kamyshovka (Ismail region, Ukraine), an amphora was discovered. The item has two stamps, one on each handle, both anepigraphic, in relief, of a shape…