AUTHOR: Corneliu MORARU Danubius, XXIX, Galaţi, 2011, pp. 357-364. Abstract This article describes the restoration process a Polish cavalry sword from the middle of the XVII-the century, belonging to the patrimony of the National Military Museum, Bucharest. It underlines the restoration operations and the conservation of the object. RESTAURAREA UNEI SPADE POLONEZE DE CAVALERIE, DE…

AUTHOR: Corneliu MORARU THE RESTORATION OF A KHANJAR FROM THE 18TH-19TH CENTURIES Danubius, XXXI, Galati, 2013, pp. 395-402. Abstract The article describes the restoration process of a khanjar dating from the 18th – 19th centuries belonging to the patrimony of the History Museum of Galați. The preserving and restoring operations applied to the object are…

AUTHOR: Ligia Otilia TEODOR, Codrin LĂCĂTUŞU CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE RESTORATION AND THE CONSERVATION OF SOME GLASS BEAKERS DISCOVERED IN THE NECROPOLIS FROM BARCEA, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXI- Supliment, Galati, 2013, pp. 259-272. Abstract The paper deals with the restoration and preservation of four glasses found at Barcea, Galaţi county, in the bi-ritual necropolis dated to…

AUTHOR: Corneliu MORARU THE RESTORATION AND THE PRESERVATION OF A SILVER RING BELONGING TO THE PATRIMONY OF „PAUL PĂLTĂNEA” HISTORY MUSEUM OF GALAŢI (INV. NO. 34671) Danubius, XXXII, Galati, 2014, pp. 535-538. Abstract The article describes the restoration process of a silver ring dating from the XVIII-XIX-th centuries belonging to the patrimony of „Paul Păltănea”…