AUTHOR: Claudiu SACHELARIE BRĂILA, DURING THE YEARS OF NEUTRALITY (1914-1916). THE APPROACHES OF THE PRESS FROM BRĂILA Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 159-174. Abstract Brăila, port of utmost importance for the Romanian economy, also benefited of a very important local press, at the beginning of the twentieth century. Press sheets and numerous newspapers (such as…

AUTHOR: Mihaela MUNTEANU THE INVENTORY FROM 1856, OF THE OLD CHURCH ST. NICOLAE, FROM BRĂILA (1838-1856) Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 119-128. Abstract This study aims to present, in the chronological limits of 1877-1878, some steps taken by the Romanian statesmen for maintaining the freedom of navigation on the Danube and for obtaining Romania’s independence…

AUTHOR: Galyna LEVCHENKO Danubius, XXXIV-Supliment, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 21-30. Abstract The article deals with the study of the information from the „Odessa Herald” that relates to the inauguration and to the activities of the first higher educational establishment in the Southern region, as well as with the intellectual biography of the professors and with their…

AUTHOR: Maria Magdalena TULUȘ EDUCATION AND MEDIA IN GALAȚI, ACCORDING TO THE TESTIMONIES OF THE FOREIGN TRAVELLERS (DURING THE FIRST HALF OF THE XIX-th CENTURY) Danubius, XXXVI, Galaţi, 2018, pp. 119-128. Abstract Just like all over Europe, in Romania modernization manifested also through the cultural development. Thus, new schools were created, the existing ones were…