AUTHOR: Farrukhjon KAMOLOV Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp. 27-37. Abstract The current paper discusses about the religious pluralism in Tajikistan and the problem of religious tolerance in society. First, the author speaks about the religious pluralism historically, from the Somonids’ period until Tajikistan’s getting independence, and shows the religions which make modern religious pluralism in…

AUTHOR: Dezső SZENKOVICS GANDHI’S VISION OF PEACE IN TWO LETTERS TO HITLER Danubius, XXXIX, Galaţi, 2021, pp. 255-264. Abstract Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi or the Mahatma could be considered one of the most important and well-known personalities of the 20th century. During his life he was apostrophized as “the Apostle of Nonviolence” and even nowadays we…