AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Mircea NICU, Adrian-Ionuţ ADAMESCU, Ovidiu-Soleriu COTOI, Daniela ALECSĂ RECENT DISCOVERIES IN NEGRILEŞTI ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXX, Galaţi, 2012, pp. 7-40.   Abstract The archaeological researches continued in Negrileşti archaeological site, Galaţi County in 2012 as well, through the study of 15 digging units, 12 sections and 3 cassettes…

AUTHOR: Paul CIOBOTARU THE NECROPOLIS FROM TECUCI, THE METAL PACKAGES FACTORY Danubius, XXXI- Supliment, Galati, 2013, pp. 273-300. Abstract In the town of Tecuci, two necropolises were discovered, one in 1970, on the street Gheorghe Petraşcu, during the digging works required for building the foundations of the blocks of flats. Next year, in 1971, a…

AUTHOR: Paul CIOBOTARU THE DYNAMICS OF THE TRADE BETWEEN THE INDIGENOUS FROM THE SETTLEMENTS OF THE SIRET VALLEY AND THE HELLENISTIC AND THE ROMAN WORLD (IV-TH CENTURY BC – I-ST CENTURY AD) Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp. 241-308. Abstract During the Antiquity, the indigenous people from the settlements of the Siret Valley were involved in…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Mircea NICU RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN THE SITE NEGRILEŞTI, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp.119-154. Abstract The archaeological site “Negrileşti – The Schoolyard”, investigated for the first time in 1981, has offered, in the past few years, numerous archaeological items which suggest that the area situated next to the…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Tudor MANDACHE THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE NEGRILEȘTI, GALAȚI COUNTY. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES IN THE SECTORS SCHOOL YARD AND PINE – 2017 Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 55-88. Abstract The archaeological site Negrileşti-School Yard is an important landmark for the archeology of Southeastern Moldova, as it was possible to highlight a high intensity…