AUTHORS: Paul CIOBOTARU, Angela SIMALCSIK THE MEDIEVAL NECROPOLIS OF THE OLD CHURCH OF SAINT GEORGE, TECUCI – 13 SEPTEMBER STREET Danubius, XLI, Galati, 2023, pp. 45-66. Abstract The preventive archaeological research of “The medieval necropolis of the old Church of Saint George, Tecuci – 13 September Street” site was carried out in 2022 having the…

AUTHOR: Paul CIOBOTARU NOTE REGARDING A RELIQUQRY CROSS DISCOVERED IN BUCIUMENI, GALATI COUNTY Danubius, XLI, Galati, 2023, pp. 39-44. Abstract The collection of the History Museum “Teodor Cincu”, Tecuci hosts a reliquary cross discovered with the metal detector. This item is important because such pieces are rare in this area. This reliquary cross was discovered…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Mircea NICU, Adrian ADAMESCU, Paul CIOBOTARU “NEGRILEŞTI – SCHOOLYARD” SITE. THE „HEATING STATION” POINT Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 267-282. Abstract The archaeological research made in the years 2009-2010 at “Negrileşti – Schoolyard” site, in Negrileşti, Galaţi County, had a preventive nature focusing on a precise location, called the “Heating Station”. The…

AUTHOR: Paul CIOBOTARU CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE DOCUMENTATION OF THE RITUAL OF INHUMATION AT THE CARPIANS Danubius, XXV, Galaţi, 2007, pp. 21-26. Abstract The customary practice of inhumation at the Carpian people is supported with documentary evidence in the necropolises from Poienesti, Moldoveni, Valeni-Botesti and Sabaoani. The researchers issued two contradictory hypotheses regarding the ethnic origin…

AUTHORS: Costel ILIE, Mircea NICU, Adrian ADAMESCU, Paul CIOBOTARU, Daniela ALECSA Danubius, XXIX, Galaţi, 2011, pp. 7-20.   Abstract The archaeological research at Negrileşti – School Yard Site continued in 2011 as well through the study of three units, SM1 magisterial section (70m/2m) and Boxes 1 (2m/2) and 2 (6m/4m). The research of these units…

AUTHOR: Paul CIOBOTARU, Daniela ALECSĂ A SCYTHIAN DAGGER FOUND AT BUCIUMENI, GALATI COUNTY Danubius, XXVI, Galaţi, 2008, pp. 7-12. Abstract In 1965, at the Mixed Museum from Tecuci, Galati County, an iron dagger, of akinakes type, was brought. It was found accidentally, during some agricultural works, in the village of Buciumeni. We don’t know the…