AUTHORS: Costel ILIE, Mircea NICU, Adrian ADAMESCU, Paul CIOBOTARU, Daniela ALECSA Danubius, XXIX, Galaţi, 2011, pp. 7-20.   Abstract The archaeological research at Negrileşti – School Yard Site continued in 2011 as well through the study of three units, SM1 magisterial section (70m/2m) and Boxes 1 (2m/2) and 2 (6m/4m). The research of these units…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU THE PATH OF THE SIRET, AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE MONETARY FINDS ON THE TERRITORY OF GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp. 351-356. Abstract The author presents several monetary finds, isolated and in treasures, that marked out the path along the Siret River, since the 3rd century AD. The first provincial Romanian…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Mircea NICU RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN THE SITE NEGRILEŞTI, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp.119-154. Abstract The archaeological site “Negrileşti – The Schoolyard”, investigated for the first time in 1981, has offered, in the past few years, numerous archaeological items which suggest that the area situated next to the…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN THE „NEGRILEŞTI-SCHOOL YARD” SITE, NEGRILEȘTI, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 7-64. Abstract During the last years, the archaeological site Negrilești – School Yard, firstly investigated in 1981, offered many archaeological testimonies that point to its continuous inhabitation, from the Early Neolithic until the Contemporary Age. Between…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Tudor MANDACHE THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE NEGRILEȘTI, GALAȚI COUNTY. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES IN THE SECTORS SCHOOL YARD AND PINE – 2017 Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 55-88. Abstract The archaeological site Negrileşti-School Yard is an important landmark for the archeology of Southeastern Moldova, as it was possible to highlight a high intensity…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Tudor MANDACHE THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE NEGRILEȘTI, GALAȚI COUNTY. PREVENTIVE RESEARCH, 2018 Danubius, XXXVI, Galaţi, 2018, pp. 7-42. Abstract The Negrilesti – „Schoolyard” site, situated at 15kms north of Tecuci, in the south-eastern region of Moldova, was investigated in 2018, in two important areas, C3 („Pine”) and B4-B5 („Kindergarten”). The archaeological…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Adrian-Ionuț ADAMESCU, Tudor MANDACHE NEGRILEȘTI ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE. PREVENTIVE RESEARCHES CARRIED AT THE POINT „KINDERGARTEN” Danubius, XXXVII, Galaţi, 2019, pp. 69-84. Abstract The preventive archaeological research undertaken at the Negrilești site, Galați county, was carried as a result of the imminence of potential disruption of the archaeological strata by the construction of a new…

AUTHOR: Paul CIOBOTARU NEGRILEȘTI ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE. THE FIRST DISCOVERIES FROM THE YEAR 1981 Danubius, XXXVII, Galaţi, 2019, pp. 19-38. Abstract The article attempts to discuss the preventive archaeological investigations, carried in the year 1981, by the archaeologist Mircea Nicu, from the Mixed Museum of Tecuci. The archaeological site of Negrilești is one of the most…