AUTHOR: Mircea PETRESCU-DÂMBOVIŢA SEVERAL ISSUES CONCERNING THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CUCUTENI CIVILISATION AND THE NEO-ENEOLITHIC CIVILISATION OF SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE Danubius, II-III, Galaţi, 1969, pp. 11-20. Abstract In this article the author deals with several issues concerning the relationships between Cucuteni Civilisation and the Neo-Eneolithic Civilisation of South-Eastern Europe. Considering the numerous archaeological researches carried out in…

AUTHOR: Mircea PETRESCU-DÂMBOVIŢA ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES IN MOLDAVIA AND THEIR MAIN RESULTS Danubius, I, Galaţi, 1967, pp. 5-18. Abstract The interest in archaeology dates in Moldavia back to the 17th and 18th centuries, according to the information sent by our chroniclers, Miron Costin and Nicolai Costin and, especially, by Dimitrie Cantemir. This interest grew in the…