AUTHOR: Lucia ARGINT THE ETHNIC APPURTENANCE OF THE GRADUATES OF THE FIRST HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS FROM CHIŞINĂU BETWEEN 1864 AND 1923 – HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS NO. 1 OF THE ZEMSTVO, BESSARABIA Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 75-92. Abstract The present research attempts to investigate and analyse the information gathered from unique sources regarding…

AUTHOR: Nicolae IONIŢĂ THE IMAGE OF THE ROMANIAN SOCIETY IN GERMAN DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS, BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENCE AND THE 1907 UPRISING II. The Problem of the National Minorities, of the Foreigners Residing in Romania and Perceptions of the 1907 Uprising Danubius, XXXI, Galati, 2013, pp. 151-194. Abstract The present study represents the second part of a…