AUTHOR: Liviu ŢĂRANU Danubius, XXIX, Galaţi, 2011, pp. 257-266.   Abstract The entire economic policy practiced by the Romanian Workers’ Party / Romanian Communist Party between 1948 and 1989 is treated with indifference at present, historians relegating this topic to a secondary plane. In spite of this, the economic strategies, their application and results must…

AUTHOR: Liviu ŢĂRANU A CONTROVERSIAL ASPECT OF THE HISTORIOGRAPHY DEALING WITH THE COMMUNIST REGIME: THE NATIONAL CHARACTER OF THE ANTI-COMMUNIST ARMED RESISTANCE (1948-1962) Danubius, XXII, Galaţi, 2004, pp. 139-146. Abstract During the Communist rule, the resistance against Communism, at the beginning of the 50ies, was a taboo subject. After the revolution from 1989, many researchers…

AUTHOR: Liviu ŢĂRANU ROMANIAN WINE DURING DEJ’S PERIOD Danubius, XXI, Galaţi, 2003, pp. 211-222. Abstract The history of the Romanian wine is in tune with the history of Romanian people. Both the periods of glory and the crises were reflected in the production of wine. During harsh times, Romanian wine was produced in small quantities…