AUTHOR: Bouba MAMOUDOU THE “JASMINE REVOLUTION” AND ITS DECLINING: BETWEEN THE CONQUEST OF FREEDOM AND HOPE OF EXTENSION OF DEMOCRACY IN AFRICA Danubius, XXX, Galaţi, 2012, pp. 423-436.   Abstract Started in Tunisia in January 2011, the “Arab Spring”, which shook also Egypt and Libya, generated major sociopolitical changes in these Northern African countries. Characterized by…

AUTHOR: Olivia CATTEDRA PLOTINUS, ON THE ASTRAL INFLUENCES Danubius, XXXII, Galati, 2014, pp. 447-458. Abstract According to Plotinus, “man is his soul”; nevertheless, the common man forgets his real ontological condition. Hence, all the ordinary problems and obstacles of life are engendered. In this context, Plotinus attempts his anthropological analysis, which also avails of an…