AUTHOR: Sergiu MATVEEV SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL LIMITS REGARDING THE IDENTITY OF MOLDAVIANS Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 389-396. Abstract The issue of the origin of the Eastern Romance population has always been subject to demystifications. Along with the incorporation, following a Russo-Turkish peace treaty, of the territories between Prut and Dniester, Tsarist Russia showed a…

AUTHOR: Corina BUŢEA THE POLITICAL ADMINISTRATIVE SCHOOL FROM BRĂILA (1951-1959). AN OVERVIEW Danubius, XXXII, Galati, 2014, pp. 369-382. Abstract In Romania, as in all the other Communist countries, the major priority of the Communists was to change, to transform the society in a totally new one. The education was the main way towards the creation…