AUTHORS: Paul CIOBOTARU, Angela SIMALCSIK THE MEDIEVAL NECROPOLIS OF THE OLD CHURCH OF SAINT GEORGE, TECUCI – 13 SEPTEMBER STREET Danubius, XLI, Galati, 2023, pp. 45-66. Abstract The preventive archaeological research of “The medieval necropolis of the old Church of Saint George, Tecuci – 13 September Street” site was carried out in 2022 having the…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE RECENT DISCOVERIES IN NEGRILEŞTI-SCHOOLYARD ARCHAELOGICAL SITE, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXVIII, Galaţi, 2020, pp. 7-38. Abstract In 2020, in the topographic sector B4-B5 (“Kindergarten”), two digging units, SG17 and SG18, were investigated. 38 housing complexes (household pits, supply pits, dwellings, fire installations) and 11 graves were unearthed. 22 storage pits with archaeological material…