AUTHOR: Cristian-Dragoş CĂLDĂRARU DIPLOMAT DIMITRIE IURAȘCU – SOME EPISTOLARY EPISODES FROM HIS LIFE (1916-1963) Danubius, XL, Galati, 2022, pp. 329-383. Abstract Among the diplomats that Romania had during the first half of the 20th century, there was also Dimitrie Iurașcu, descending from a family of Moldovan boyars, with roots dating back to the 15th century….

AUTHOR: Neculai IURAŞCU THE DIPLOMAT DUMITRU IURAŞCU – A SON OF GALAŢI Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 87-98. Abstract The article presents several reference points from Dumitru Iuraşcu’s life and activity. Dumitru Iuraşcu descended from a noble Moldavian family, his family name being signaled from as early as the end of the XIV-th century and…

AUTHOR: Nicolae IONIŢĂ THE IMAGE OF THE ROMANIAN SOCIETY IN GERMAN DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS, BETWEEN THE INDEPENDENCE AND THE 1907 UPRISING II. The Problem of the National Minorities, of the Foreigners Residing in Romania and Perceptions of the 1907 Uprising Danubius, XXXI, Galati, 2013, pp. 151-194. Abstract The present study represents the second part of a…