AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU ADDITIONS TO THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLD ROMANIAN BOOKS Danubius, XXIV, Galaţi, 2006, pp. 153-168. Abstract The bibliographic study analyses a series of old Romanian books, representing a necessary contribution to the Bibliography of old Romanian books, a national cultural and historical corpus, always open to additions. COMPLETEMENTS A LA BIBLIOGRAPHIE ROUMAINE ANCIENNE…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU HISTORICAL CONSIDERATIONS ON SEVERAL PIECES OF ARMATURE (MAIL SHIRTS) USED BY ROMANIANS DURING THE XVTH CENTURY Danubius, XXIV, Galaţi, 2006, pp. 69-76. Abstract In the first part, the author tries to present an outline of the political and military hierarchy of the medieval society, highlighting the consequences of the confrontation between the…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU MISCELLANEA HISTORICA (III).DOCUMENTA ET SPHRAGISTICA Danubius, XXIII, Galaţi, 2005, pp. 167-198. Abstract The author publishes, in two distinct sections, a group of modern historical documents (administrative documents, official and private correspondence) concerning several political and cultural personalities (the Reigning Princes Grigore Alexandru Ghica, Alexandru Ioan I Cuza, the Reigning Princess Elena Cuza,…

AUTHOR: Carol KŐNIG, Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU MARGINALIA TO TWO RARE PIECES OF WEAPONRY Danubius, XXIII, Galaţi, 2005, pp. 163-166. Abstract The authors analyse the two rare pieces of the collection of weapons of the History Museum of Galaţi: a flintlock pistol (Italian), manufactured under the licence of the illustrious Cominazzo de Gordone armament workshop (Brescia), dating…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU MISCELLANEA HISTORICA (II). ADDITAMENTA ICONOGRAPHICA (I) Danubius, XXII, Galaţi, 2004, pp. 175-184. Abstract The complex investigation of certain plastic representations – already known or recently identified – such as the historical portraits of certain voivodes / princes / reigning princes of the Romanian countries (Al. C. Moruzi, Prince of Moldavia (1792, 1802-1806)…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU NEW DOCUMENTS CONCERNING THE MOLDAVIAN-POLISH RELATIONS DURING THE REIGN OF MIHAI RACOVIŢĂ Danubius, XXII, Galaţi, 2004, pp. 55-64. Abstract This study deals with seven historical documents found in one Polish archive destroyed in 1944 («Krasinski» Library of Warsaw, documentary fund BOK-6584), pertaining to the correspondence from 1722-1725 (the reign of M. Racoviţă)….

AUTHOR: Mihai MAXIM, Dan RÂPĂ – BUICLIU A RARE PIECE FROM THE COLLECTION OF WEAPONS OF THE HISTORY MUSEUM OF GALAŢI Danubius, XXI, Galaţi, 2003, pp. 133-136. Abstract The article deals with a unique piece from the weapons collection of the History Museum of Galaţi. It is a yataghan, with a blade made of Damascus…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU A HISTORICAL NOTE ABOUT A DIPLOMATIC LETTER OF ION GHICA Danubius, XXI, Galaţi, 2003, pp. 47-56. Abstract The author brings into discussion a favorite theme of the Romanian modern historiography – the election as Ruler of Romania (after the abdication of the prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza) of a prince descending from a…