AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU OLD ROMANIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. CORRIGENDA. MACARIES PRINTINGS Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 225-244. Abstract Continuing his bibliographic investigations in the field of old Romanian books, the author offers a new approach of the printings from the XVIth century, starting with Macaries works: Liturghier, 1508, Octoih, 1510, Tetraevangheliar, 1512, effected at Dealu Monastery, Târgovişte,…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU, Dragoş STĂNCESCU BIBLIOLOGICAL INFORMATION IN THE CORRESPONDENCE OF PROFESSOR DR. DOC. DAN SIMONESCU Danubius, XXVII, Galaţi, 2009, pp. 263-278. Abstract From the private correspondence the reputed bibliophile, professor Dan Simonescu, entertained, between 1967-1984, with some religious and cultural personalities from Banat, we can acquire some interesting cultural and historiographical information, much of…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU, Iulian CAPSALI SOME NOTES FROM «A TRAVEL JOURNEY TO THE WESTERN WORLD» OF THE MOLDAVIAN NOBLE IANCU PRĂJESCU Danubius, XXVII, Galaţi, 2009, pp. 235-262. Abstract The identification, in the private collection of Nicolae Vasilescu-Capsali, from Bucharest, of several new fragments from A Travel Journal to the Western World, of the Moldavian noble…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU ADDITIONS TO THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OLD ROMANIAN BOOKS (II) (CORRIGENDA – XVII-TH CENTURY) Danubius, XXV, Galaţi, 2007, pp. 261-272. Abstract The article adds some new and substantial bibliographic information to the corpus of the Bibliography of Old Romanian Books. COMPLETATIONS A LA BIBLIOGRAPHIE ROUMAINE ANCIENNE. II (CORRIGENDA – XVII-ÈME SIÈCLE) Résumé Le…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU THE WORKS OF DIMITRIE CANTEMIR. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIC ACCOUNT Danubius, XXVI, Galaţi, 2008, pp. 295-318. Abstract This material represents a bibliographic and documentary retrospective account dedicated to an outstanding representative of the European and Romanian science and culture, the Prince Dimitrie Cantemir. Such an „Opera omnia” was a major demand in the field…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTES REGARDING BIBLIE. NOUL TESTAMENT. TETRAEVANGHELIAR, ALEP, 1708 Danubius, XXVI, Galaţi, 2008, pp. 227-250. Abstract The author discusses several bibliographic aspects regarding a religious printing, Biblie. Noul Testament. Tetraevangheliar, Alep, 1708, the second edition, printed during the ages of Constantin Brâncoveanu and Antimie Ivireanu, under the cultural and religious sponsorship of…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU VARIA HISTORICA (II) Danubius, XXIV, Galaţi, 2006, pp. 185-198. Abstract The author presents several analytic records (with technical and historical content) concerning some cultural goods (portable fire guns, medical tools and plastic / graphic historical art), which belong to the national historical and cultural patrimony. VARIA HISTORICA (II) Résumé L’auteur rédige quelques…