AUTHOR: Cristian-Dragoş CĂLDĂRARU DIPLOMAT DIMITRIE IURAȘCU – SOME EPISTOLARY EPISODES FROM HIS LIFE (1916-1963) Danubius, XL, Galati, 2022, pp. 329-383. Abstract Among the diplomats that Romania had during the first half of the 20th century, there was also Dimitrie Iurașcu, descending from a family of Moldovan boyars, with roots dating back to the 15th century….

AUTHOR: Cristian Dragoş CĂLDĂRARU CONSIDERATIONS ON THE SECULARIZATION OF THE ASSETS OF CONSECRATED CHURCHES AND MONASTERIES FROM THE FORMER COUNTY OF COVURLUI Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 59-68. Abstract The secularization of the assets belonging to the consecrated monasteries from the Romanian Principalities was the materialization of the political will of the Romanian rulers after…

AUTHOR: Cristian–Dragoş CĂLDĂRARU UN UNPUBLISHED IMAGE OF THE TOWN OF GALAŢI, FROM 1835 Danubius, XXXI, Galati, 2013, pp. 71-78. Abstract A little known image of the town of Galaţi appears on a topographic plan, dating from April 4-th 1835, enriching the poor representational documentation regarding this old Moldavian port on the Danube. The image dates…

AUTHOR: Cristian-Dragoş CĂLDĂRARU DATA REGARDING THE FRENCH CONSULAR ACTIVITY IN GALAŢI, DURING THE FIRST HALF OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY Danubius, XXXII, Galati, 2014, pp. 151-222. Abstract The article contains 47 documents, selected from the rich documentary fund dealing with the development and the modernization of the town of Galaţi. They were published between 1855 and…

AUTHOR: Cristian-Dragoş CĂLDĂRARU THE INVENTORY FROM 1856, OF THE OLD CHURCH ST. NICOLAE, FROM BRĂILA (1838-1856) Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 95-118. Abstract After the Peace of Adrianopolis (1829) and after the cancellation of the Turkish Rayahs from the left bank of the Danube (the Romanian bank), the first two Orthodox churches were consecrated in…

AUTHOR: Cristian-Dragoș CĂLDĂRARU FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE HISTORIAN ION T. DRAGOMIR (1954-1988) Danubius, XXXV Galaţi, 2017, pp. 223-332. Abstract At the beginning of 2007, I.T. Dragomir, curator, archaeologist, scientific researcher and director of the History Museum of Galaţi, donated to this institution, where he became an authority in the field of Archaeology, his private…