AUTHORS: Costel ILIE, Mircea NICU, Adrian ADAMESCU, Paul CIOBOTARU, Daniela ALECSA Danubius, XXIX, Galaţi, 2011, pp. 7-20.   Abstract The archaeological research at Negrileşti – School Yard Site continued in 2011 as well through the study of three units, SM1 magisterial section (70m/2m) and Boxes 1 (2m/2) and 2 (6m/4m). The research of these units…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Mircea NICU, Adrian-Ionuţ ADAMESCU, Ovidiu-Soleriu COTOI, Daniela ALECSĂ RECENT DISCOVERIES IN NEGRILEŞTI ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXX, Galaţi, 2012, pp. 7-40.   Abstract The archaeological researches continued in Negrileşti archaeological site, Galaţi County in 2012 as well, through the study of 15 digging units, 12 sections and 3 cassettes…

AUTHOR: Sorin LANGU THE PATH OF THE SIRET, AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE MONETARY FINDS ON THE TERRITORY OF GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp. 351-356. Abstract The author presents several monetary finds, isolated and in treasures, that marked out the path along the Siret River, since the 3rd century AD. The first provincial Romanian…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES AT THE „RÂPA GLODULUI” SITE, CAVADINEŞTI, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp. 201-220. Abstract The 2013 research campaign focused only on two excavation units, which generated evidence suggesting that a greater area was habitated than previously observed, during the 1957-1958 research. The 2013 research campaign was conducted by…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Mircea NICU RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN THE SITE NEGRILEŞTI, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIII, Galaţi, 2015, pp.119-154. Abstract The archaeological site “Negrileşti – The Schoolyard”, investigated for the first time in 1981, has offered, in the past few years, numerous archaeological items which suggest that the area situated next to the…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES IN THE „NEGRILEŞTI-SCHOOL YARD” SITE, NEGRILEȘTI, GALAŢI COUNTY Danubius, XXXIV, Galaţi, 2016, pp. 7-64. Abstract During the last years, the archaeological site Negrilești – School Yard, firstly investigated in 1981, offered many archaeological testimonies that point to its continuous inhabitation, from the Early Neolithic until the Contemporary Age. Between…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Tudor MANDACHE, Adrian-Ionuț ADAMESCU THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE „ST. NICHOLAS” CHURCH, GALAȚI. PREVENTIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH AT THE POINT PROTOIERIE Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 99-156. Abstract The perimeter of the historical monument “St. Nicholas” Church is located in the old town of Galaţi, an area that has undergone many interventions in modern and…

AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Paul CIOBOTARU, Tudor MANDACHE THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE NEGRILEȘTI, GALAȚI COUNTY. ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCHES IN THE SECTORS SCHOOL YARD AND PINE – 2017 Danubius, XXXV, Galaţi, 2017, pp. 55-88. Abstract The archaeological site Negrileşti-School Yard is an important landmark for the archeology of Southeastern Moldova, as it was possible to highlight a high intensity…