AUTHOR: Pavel MORARU FROM THE ACTIVITY OF THE SPECIAL INFORMATION SERVICE OF BESSARABIA (1941 – 1944) Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 323-350. Abstract In the summer of 1941, after a year of Soviet occupation, Bessarabia and the North of Bukovina were liberated by the Romanian-German troops, and the Romanian authorities returned into these territories. In…

AUTHOR: George ENACHE CETATEA ALBĂ-ISMAIL BISHOPRIC DURING WORLD WAR II Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 303-310. Abstract The article purports to present the situation of Cetatea Albă-Ismail Bishopric after the return of the Romanian authorities in Bessarabia, in 1941. Bishop Policarp Moruşca, who coordinated the activity of this eparchy for a long time, had to…

AUTHOR: Mykola MYKHAILUTSA WAR OF 1941-1945 AGAINST CHRISTIAN SHRINES OF SOUTH BESSARABIA: TO THE QUESTION OF DAMAGES AND AUTHORSHIP Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 293-302. Abstract The article tells about the damage caused by war to churches and other religious buildings in the Danube region. The question about the scope and authorship of crimes against…

AUTHOR: Silviu MILOIU BESSARABIA BETWEEN TWO ANNEXATIONS (1940-1944). FINNISH PERCEPTIONS Danubius, XXX- Supliment, Galati, 2012, pp. 235-250. Abstract The aim of this article is to look into Bessarabia’s World War Two’s status from a Finnish perspective and to analyse the way Finland has perceived, in this period, the Romanian-Soviet litigation over this province. To this end,…