AUTHOR: Chue Ming
Danubius, XXXII- Supliment, Galati, 2014, pp. 189-224.
In 1999, Judith Nagata wrote the article: The Globalization of Buddhism and the Emergence of Religious Civil Society: The Case of the Taiwanese Fo Kuang Shan Movement in Asia and the West”. According to his experience of the world religious movement today, the Fo Guang Shan Monastery (hereafter called “FGS”), has shown its features of a globalizing religion as – worldly social engaged engagement and value of various dimension to the civil society and the masses. The result of his study was to figure out the ideal of Humanistic Buddhism and the achievement of Master Hsing Yun (hereafter called “MHY”) before 1999. After more than one decade the global movement and socially engaged activities of the FGS will be the core of this article. The author attempts to argue how the Buddhist Sangha (community) of the FGS, which was established by MHY since 1967, was considered as an International standard and what is a global connection. Master Hsing Yun is supposed to be a case study in this article.