AUTHOR: Costel ILIE, Mircea NICU, Adrian ADAMESCU, Paul CIOBOTARU “NEGRILEŞTI – SCHOOLYARD” SITE. THE „HEATING STATION” POINT Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 267-282. Abstract The archaeological research made in the years 2009-2010 at “Negrileşti – Schoolyard” site, in Negrileşti, Galaţi County, had a preventive nature focusing on a precise location, called the “Heating Station”. The…

AUTHORI: Sorin LANGU, Cristian ONEL, Gheorghe GHERGHE, Laurenţiu URSACHI NOTES ON SOME COINS DISCOVERED IN VASLUI COUNTY Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 263-266. Abstract The authors describe 3 coins from the surroundings of the town of Bârlad, in Vaslui county. All the three coins are from medieval Moldavia, from the first half of XVth century:…

AUTHOR: Dan RÂPĂ-BUICLIU OLD ROMANIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. CORRIGENDA. MACARIES PRINTINGS Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 225-244. Abstract Continuing his bibliographic investigations in the field of old Romanian books, the author offers a new approach of the printings from the XVIth century, starting with Macaries works: Liturghier, 1508, Octoih, 1510, Tetraevangheliar, 1512, effected at Dealu Monastery, Târgovişte,…

AUTHOR: Constantin DANIEL THE MYSTERIES OF ZALMOXIS(CHAPTERS IX-XVI) Danubian, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 127-224. Abstract The article continues the publication, for the first time, of a book left in manuscript by the Romanian orientalist Constantin Daniel. The last chapters of the book, included in the article, expose an exaggeratedly spiritual perspective of the Thracian world….

AUTHOR: Alexandr PRIGARIN AN ETHNICAL AND CONFESSIONAL CULTURE IN A BORDER AREA: THE RUSSIAN OLD BELIEVERS (THE LIPOVANS)AT THE LOWER DANUBE Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 113-126. Abstract Taking his stand both on some documentary sources and on some field researches, the author analyses the origins and the preservation of the cultural traditions of the…

AUTHOR: Neculai IURAŞCU THE DIPLOMAT DUMITRU IURAŞCU – A SON OF GALAŢI Danubius, XXVIII, Galaţi, 2010, pp. 87-98. Abstract The article presents several reference points from Dumitru Iuraşcu’s life and activity. Dumitru Iuraşcu descended from a noble Moldavian family, his family name being signaled from as early as the end of the XIV-th century and…